Pokémon Stadium

US Release date : Released

Pokemon Stadium Title Screen

Pokémon Stadium is a game for N64 where you can use your Pokémon saved games from Gameboy to battle against your friends in full 3-D. Nintendo has just announced that Pokémon Stadium 2 will be released as 1 in the US. To use your Pokémon saved games from your Gameboy game you need the transfer pak (previously known as the 64GB); plug your Pokémon game into it and you will be able to have a 3-D battle with up to three of your friends. Nintendo has just announced that you will be able to use all 151 Pokémon, including Mew. They have even said that Pokémon Stadium 1 will have all of the features of two in America. One true rumor that I heard is that you will be able to play your Pokémon game on your N64 while using the transfer pak. Cool, huh. There will also be mini-games all through the course of this game.

The Pokémon Stadium Case

Pokémon Stadium box

The special transfer pak used for Pokémon Stadium

The special pak used to play Pokemon Stadium


Pokémon Stadium screenshot Pokémon Stadium screenshot
Pokémon Stadium screenshot Pokémon Stadium screenshot
Pokémon Stadium screenshot Pokémon Stadium screenshot