
Information not in your Pokédex

  1. Bulbasaur - Bulbasaur is a combination of grass-and-poison-type Pokémon. Grass-type Pokémon usually displayplant-like characteristics, such as the large, leafy growth on Bulbasaur's back.
  2. Ivysaur - Once Bulbasaur reaches level 16, it evolves into the more powerful Ivysaur. Combination Pokémonhave twice the strength and twice the weaknesses of other Pokémon.
  3. Venusaur - It is sometimes difficult to predict how combination Pokémon like Venusaur will fare in combat,that they are among the most useful and versatile Pokémon around.
  4. Charmander - With its flaming tail, Charmander is a tough Pokémon to handle, even for a skilled trainer.
  5. Charmeleon - Interestingly, fire-type Pokémon like Charmeleon have a distinct advantage against ice-type Pokémon,but not against water-type Pokémon.
  6. Charizard - When Charmeleon reaches level 36, it evolves into the majestic Charizard.Starting the game with these fire-type Pokémon can be difficult, but the effort can pay off.
  7. Squirtle - Squirtle may start out cute and cuddly, but it will soon evolve into a formidable fighter.
  8. Wartortle - Wartortle is more confident in the water than Squirtle is. Its large rudder-like earshelp it to maneuver.
  9. Blastoise - Blastoise's tough shell conceals twin high-pressure water cannons that can pump out hundreds ofgallons per minute.
  10. Caterpie - Once it reaches level 7, it will evolve to the nearly immobile Metapod. If you don't want a Pokémon to evolve,simply press B before the change is complete to reverse the process.
  11. Metapod - Like Kakuna, Metapod is a kind of transitional Pokémon, and it won't stay in this form for long.Once it reaches level 10, it will evolve into Butterfree.
  12. Butterfree - Butterfree's flying abilities make it more versatile, than some of the other Pokémon you'll findearly in your adventure.
  13. Weedle - Weedle has only two attacks, but its sting is poisonous and its String Shot attackcan reduce an enemy's speed temporarily.
  14. Kakuna - Kakuna is nearly incapable of moving and, therefore, it has no attack abilities whatsoever.Its only defense is the ability to harden its protective shell.
  15. Beedrill - When Kakuna reaches level 10, it will evolve into the much more powerful Beedrill.Beedrill will eventually have the capacity to learn such attacks as Twin Needle and Pin Missile.
  16. Pidgey - Pidgey is one of the most common Pokémon. It is classified as a combination of normal-and-flying-type Pokémon, and it can blind its opponents by kicking up clouds of sand with its wings.
  17. Pidgeotto - You can obtain a Pidgeotto either by capturing one in the wild or by building up Pidgey up to level 18.
  18. Pidgeot - Flying-type Pokémon such as Pidgeot are the natural enemies of bug-type Pokémon like Venonat.
  19. Rattata - Another common Pokémon, Rattata, uses its sharp teeth to defend itself from attackers.Despite its ferocious appearance, it often shares habitats peacefully with Pidgey.
  20. Raticate - Raticate uses its long whiskers to help navigate and maintain balance. Losing them will slow it down considerably.
  21. Spearow - It may resemble the mild mannered Pidgey, but Spearow has a much more ferocious temperament.In a contest between the two, Spearow will likely have the upper wing.
  22. Fearow - With its majestic wingspan, Fearow can glide for long periods of time. At higher experience levels, it can use its Mirror Move ability to duplicate an enemy's attack.
  23. Ekans - Ekans is a silent but deadly predator. Its main source of food is Pidgey and Spearow eggs, and it is known to eat them whole, shell and all.
  24. Arbok - At level 27, you can add a paralyzing Glare to Arbok's arsenal. At level 36, you can replace Leer with a Defense-lowering Screech.
  25. Pikachu - These mouse-like creatures are among the most sought-after Pokémon. Trainers never keep many of them in the same place, however. If enough of these Pokémon gather in the same place, their combined voltage can trigger electrical disturbances in the surrounding atmosphere!
  26. Raichu - Raichu is more powerful than Pikachu. It has such great electrical potential, it must use its tail as a ground to avoid shocking itself!
  27. Sandshrew - You must trade for either a Sandshrew or an Ekans, depending on which version of the game you have. There are no Ekans in the Blue version and no Sandshrew in the Red version.
  28. Sandslash - When threatened, Sandslash curls up into a little ball. It then rolls along the ground to attack or escape.
  29. Nidoran (F) - The female Nidoran's barbs are smaller than the male's, but no less poisonous.
  30. Nidorina - Nidorina prefers to use its teeth and claws in battle, rather than its spikes.
  31. Nidoqueen - Nidoqueen's ponderous body is surprisingly agile, and its Tail Whip attack can seem to come from nowhere.
  32. Nidoran (M) - The male Nidoran's large ears stiffen when it senses danger. You can tell the power of its poisonous venom by the size of its barbs.
  33. Nidorino - Nidorino attacks at the slightest provocation. If will often use Focus Energy first to boost its power. Use that pause to attack before it does.
  34. Nidoking - This creature is truly king of all it surveys. It uses its powerful tail to capture and crush its hapless prey.
  35. Clefairy - You must search long and hard to find a Clefairy. It is found in only two places other than Mount Moon, so try your best while you're there.
  36. Clefable - Once a Clefairy evolves into a Clefable, it won't be able to learn any more attacks, at least on its own. You may be able to teach it a new ability with a TM or an HM.
  37. Vulpix - Vulpix is tough to find in the Blue version of the game, and it can't be found at all in the Red version.
  38. Ninetales - As with many Pokémon, Ninetales can't be found in the wild at all. To obtain one, you must nurture a Vulpix until it evolves.
  39. Jigglypuff - Jigglypuff's Sing attack will send even the toughest Pokémon to dreamland, leavin it open for a pounding. Looks can be deceiving, and just because a Pokémon is cute and cuddly doesn't mean it's a cream puff!
  40. Wigglytuff - Wigglytuff's body is soft and rubbery, like a balloon. When angered, it inflates itself to an enormous size to scare off enemies.
  41. Zubat - Zubat has no eyes, and it uses a sophisticated radar system to navigate in the total darkness beneath Mt. Moon. Its Leech Life attack will drain an opponent's energy and replenish its own.
  42. Golbat - When it feeds on a victim's energy, Golbat tends to gorge itself. It often swells with power until it's too fat to fly.
  43. Oddish - Oddish is just one of several combined Grass-and-Poison type Pokémon. It likes first poison or stun its opponents before it drains their energy with its Absorb attack.
  44. Gloom - Like most Grass-type Pokémon, Gloom can hardly move, but it doesn't need to move its limbs to launch an attack.
  45. Vileplume - Gloom and Vileplume don't need to move to attack, so Paralyzing them doesn't affect their ability to fight.
  46. Paras - Paras's dual nature is readily apparent in its insectoid claws and the mushroom-like pods on its back. Those "mushrooms" can shoot out clouds of Stun Spores, capable of Paralyzing almost any opponent.
  47. Parasect - Parasect is actually an odd pairing of creatures: a mushroom-like parasite and a bug-like host. Parasect prefers its environment damp and dark.
  48. Venonat - Venonat makes its home in tree branches and is attracted to bright lights, especially at night.
  49. Venomoth - Venomoth is short on physical ability, but long on various disabling attacks. You'd better have lots of Antidote and other cures.
  50. Diglett - The challenge with Diglett is not finding one, but capturing one before it faints or runs away. Keep a lower-level Pokémon with you on this trip.
  51. (will be continued)