PokéPrompt is a condensed version of Pokémon Paradise developed by William Sawyer.
Current sections in the PokéPrompt include: Pokédex, Advanced Pokédex, Battle Chart,
Capture the Pokémon Game, Team Rocket Phrase, Screen Saver, Help, DOS, and Quit.
The newest features added are music and codes. Music can only be played once per load.
If you want to hear the music again, you must exit and run the program again.
The codes must be printed or else you will have to do an endless amount of scrolling down.
Future plans include: Cheats, Tricks, and maybe even the Storyline.
Several hours have been spent on creating this program so I hope you enjoy it.
The most current version is avalible here (v3.14),
click the link below to download.
P.S. Don't type the word Secret. |